RiRia is an actor and a creative social influencer signed with Condé Nast  japan (Vogue, gq, wired) who has a background as a multi international award winning flutist. RiRia is originally from Tokyo, Japan and moved to Los Angeles on them own, when they were seventeen. RiRia is best known for roles in the TV show "Dollface (hulu)", "Anime Crimes Division" directed by Freddie Wong (Rocket Jump), "Escape The Night" by YouTube RED and HACKS (HBO MAX). At the age of three, RiRia had started the career in music. RiRia made the first debut performance as a solo flutist with an orchestra at the age of ten. For numbers of years, RiRia had competed at both national and international competitions where they were awarded over 20 times, the youngest in history. RiRia's recording was used at 2010 Vancouver Olympics by its silver medal winning figure skater, Mao Asada. RIRIA IS ALSO KNOWN FOR THEIR SONGWRITING CREDITS FOR ARTISTS LIKE KANGDANIEL (WANNA ONE) AND MIYAVI (THE LAST ROCKSTARS).​​​​​​​
RiRia (日本語表記は理々愛)は東京出身、コンデナスト・ジャパン(VOGUE, GQ, WIRED)所属の俳優、クリエーティブインフルエンサー及びプロのフルート奏者。17歳の時に単身渡米し、独学で英語を学ぶ。出演作はHULUドラマ「DOLLFACE」、フレディー・ウォン監督ドラマ「アニメ・クライムス・ディビジョン」、YouTubeRED作「Escape The Night 2」、ニューマ・ペリエー監督映画「ジザベル」、アカデミー賞受賞プロデューサー最新作の映画「My Dead Dad」など。3歳の時に音楽を始め、10歳でテレビ朝日「題名のない音楽会」にてオーケストラとの共演を果たす。これまでに史上最年少で国内外二十以上の音楽賞を受賞。2010年にはヴァンクーバーオリンピックの浅田真央出場曲の演奏を担当した。​​​​​​​
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